Check out our new dog, Speedy! Scout and Lucky seem to like her just fine. She is more laid back than Scout, maybe Speedy can teach Scout some relaxation points. Ahhhhh, give it a try Scout. Speedy enjoys rolling in the grass, eating other dog's poop (we are working on this), and carrying around the stuffed hedgehog that squeaks.

Yay for babies! Not for me, but other people's babies! I have had a lot of fun making these easy sets that include a blanket, 4 burp cloths and a tag blanket. They look great together and are sooooo soft! This set is for a family member's new baby.

I love tag blankets! They are super-cute and super-easy to make! The possibilities are endless! The owl here looks like he has a sweater vest on and he is wearing a tie. Is he going to work or watching Mr. Rogers? Whooooo knows?

Also, here is the finished product. We filled them up quickly and they look great. Wow, how much stuff can a person have and at what point do you realize that YOU have SO MUCH stuff? I used to think it was whenever a person moved to a new place, but now that I am not going to move anytime soon, I realize that we do have A LOT of stuff. . . . . Need to put a cap on that.
Anyway, on to making falafel and white bean and roasted garlic soup. NOM, NOM.
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